Sunday, December 29, 2013

Day 118, 119, and 120

Concussions may be a risk factor for Alzheimer's -

A Mayo Clinic Study found that people that suffered brain injuries with loss of memory or consciousness may be five times more likely to develop Alzheimer's

The researchers in the study state that while not all head trama will lead to Alzheimer's and state that more research is needed.  Also it is best for anyone concerned to limit the risk factors they do have control of - high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol, by eating a healthy diet and by exercising your mind and body.

Moral of the story - protect what you can with a good diet and exercise.

Workouts -

A quick side note, I have been doing crossfit for just over 2 years, in those 2 years I have gone through several workouts that have been grueling, hard workouts that thought about quitting, or hoping for a time cap. Most of the time I finish, recover and hope I never have to see the workout again, other times the workout beats the hell out of me to the point where others around me are concerned for my health (glassy blood shot eyes, pale face, lying in a pool of sweat unable to pull myself off the floor for several minutes after the workout is over.

Saturday was one of those workouts, after nearly 40 minutes of moving, I finished the workout, and had my wife Kate legitimately concerned I was going to passout.  Instead of passing out, I decided to get up and try the month 4 max effort squat.  I was so exhausted I could only complete half the reps from last month before my chest and legs burned to the point of stopping.

Friday -
Pike Push-Ups
Row (Calories)
Hand Release Push-Ups

Squat 210 x 1

Saturday - the soul, lung, leg crushing workout
2 rounds for time of:

Row 1000 meters
30x Pull-ups
30x Front Squats 95
30x Toes to Bar
30x Power Cleans 95

Max effort squats - 210 x only 8 reps

Sunday -
Squat 210 x 1

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Day 117

I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas Day, and got what they wanted.  A special thank you to the service men and women of our armed forces, and also the caregivers that take care of those with illnesses and require care.

Today's tip for a better new year - Eat real food

Diets fails because they say you can or cannot eat certain things or in certain quantities.

Proper nutrition will ultimately lead to good health, and should reduce inflamation

Proper nutrition is getting the energy and nutrients your body needs by consuming  the correct amount of calories from the correct sources.

The correct sources come from food that is grown and has very little done to it before it gets to your plate, the more processing that happens to food the less the benefits to your health.

A good guide that is rather easy to follow is, do 90% or more of your food shopping around the perimeter of the supermarket, this typically is where the fresh meat, produce and dairy is kept.  If you get the majority of your food from these areas your meals will consist of more of the food you need and less of the food you do not.

Todays work -
Box squat - 210 x 1

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Day 115 and 116 - Merry Christmas

210lb Squat clean on Christmas morning

Thank you to my friends for supporting me and lending me the bar and weights.

Merry Christmas to everyone.  I hope everyone has a happy and healthy day, and can enjoy the company of their loved ones.

Please take a moment after you read this to tell your family you love them.

Health Tip of the day - Sleep

We should average 7 hours of sleep over the course of the week.

"Research shows that most people require seven or eight hours of sleep to function optimally. Failing to get enough sleep night after night can compromise your health and may even shorten your life. From infancy to old age, the effects of inadequate sleep can profoundly affect memory, learning, creativity, productivity and emotional stability, as well as your physical health."

Try to plan ahead, look at what you have to do the next morning, and plan to be in bed with enough time to get a full 7 hours.  Make sure you turn off the TV or any electronic devices at least 30 minutes ahead of time, as they can interfere with your ability to fall asleep.

Christmas workouts - 
Christmas eve - 
12 Days of Christmas WOD
Just like the song, you complete the first movement, then 2 of the second and 1 of the first.
1x Clean (95/65)
2x Push Press (95/65)
3x Front Squats (95/65)
4x Toes to bar
5x Pull Ups
6x Box Jumps (24/20)
7x Burpees
8x Push Ups
9x Wall Balls (20/14)
10x Kettle Bell Swings (53/35)
11x Deadlifts (95/65)
12x Thrusters (95/65)

Box squat - 210 x 1

Squat cleans - 95 x 3 / 135 x 2 / 155 x 1 / 185 x 1 / 210 x 1

I hope you all have a great Christmas and got everything you asked for from Santa.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Day 114

Bodyweight Box squats

Some news regarding Alzheimer's -
Columbia University recently release the results of a study that may show where the disease starts, this may allow earlier diagnoses and treatment.  The study shows not only where the disease starts, but that the changes are observable using fMRI scans.

An article on the study can be read -

Today's tip for a healthier new year - Move

More often than not, many of us live a sedentary life style.  We just do not move as much as people who live decades ago.  More jobs are desk jobs, we commute longer distances, and we spend more spare time not moving.

All of this has lead to slower metabolisms, increase in body weight and body fat, as well as increase in illnesses.

Statisitics show that today there are more than 3 times the number of people that are considered obese, than there was in the 1950s

We can all combat this by being more active.  Being active does not require a gym membership, or personal training, Adding activity can be as simple as walking more.

If you have regular meetings at work, try to make them walking meetings.  Does your family have a dog, make it a family walk every night.  If you add just a few short walks each day, you can notice a difference in as little as 2 weeks.

Today's workout - 

Squat - 245 x 5 (a new 5 rep best)

Row 1000m
50x Bird dogs
50x Situps

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Day 111, 112 and 113

As we get ready for 2013 to come to and end and 2014, I would like to give a few tips to make the new year a healthier year.

Drink more water.  We all should drink half our body weight in ounces of water each day (for a 200lb person that is 100 oz. a day).  Carry and fill a water bottle with you, this will make drinking this much easier.

Drinking water will also help make you feel fuller, longer.  This can help reduce cravings and snacking on something you would otherwise not eat.

If you are a regular soda or other sweetened drink, drinker, try to slowly remove 1 drink a day to try and reduce how much you have each day.  Soda and other sweetened drinks (sugar or artificially sweetened) cause rapid spikes in blood sugar and the body reacts with insulin, repeated consumption can lead to insulin resistance, diabetes and obesity.  Recently there have been studies that sweetened drinks can also lead to an increased risk and brain disease.

Workouts -

Friday -
Row 250 meters
7X Kettllebell Clean & Press Right Arm
7x Kettllebell Clean & Press Left Arm
7x Ring Rows

Front squat - 210 x 1

Saturday -
20min AMRAP
5x Chest to bar Pull-ups
10x Wallballs 20lbs
15x Kettlebell swings 70lbs

Box squat - 210 x 1


Box Squat - 210 x 1
Hand Stands

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Day 110

Thursday - just Front squat 210 x 1 and some handstands

After my post yesterday I saw 2 other posts online making similar statement about how today as a society we are so focused on the fix we rarely stop to find the cause.

This has a sense of humor, but also has a level of truth.

But also was an article written by the for editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, often considered one of the top medical publications, Harvard Medical School’s Dr. Marcia Angell 

She has written
“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.”

She references articles that are published can be completely undermined by being purchased by large pharmaceutical companies, and that these articles are read by our doctors, whom then may change their choice in treatment based on what they read in a once highly trusted publication.

The article can be read at -

Instead of relying on "cures" that may or may not be what is truely best for your well being, we should look to prevent illnesses before we need medicine.

Living a healthy life does not have to be complicated

  • Drink enough water (2-3 liters a day)
  • Eat real food, if it comes in a box or has a commercial, you probably should not eat it.
  • Get enough sleep, average 7 hours per night
  • Move/Exercise, 30-60 minutes a day at what ever level of exertion you can, walk, run, ride a bike, go to a group class.
  • Exercise your brain, read, learn new skills. refine old ones. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Day 109

Its been a long week so far
G8 leaders pledge to beat Alzhiemer's by 2025 -

"Much of the current research is focused on the idea that early intervention is likely to be a key to success, since once dementia has developed enough to show serious symptoms, it may be too late for medicines to work."

Above is a direct quote from the Reuter's article.  The article talks mostly about drug treatments for the disease.  It also mentions that the company that is successful in developing the first successful drug to treat alzhiemer's would receive a "prize" in the form of billions of dollars in sales.

My concern with this approach to curing the disease is that we are distracting from the cause.  It is widely agreed that a healthy life style prolongs or can even prevent the onset of Alzheimer's.  Yet many people are still told to eat inflammatory foods, or to avoid activities that can make them healthier in the long term.

I fully respect and appreciate companies that develop and sell the drugs that cure awful disease, I just wish that would take a portion of the funds they use for either development or marketing of these drugs and help educate people how to live healthier lives.

Today's workout - "1 hour of awful"

Ukrainian Police Bleep test - score of 14.4 (I have no idea what that means but I ran back and forth a lot)

"Death by burpee"
1 burpee the first minute, 2 the 2nd, 3 the 3rd, etc until you cannot complete the burpees in that given minute.

Front squat - 210 x 1

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Day 108

New back squat world record - 1,047lbs
Today's workout
Back squat 5x3 185/225/250/250/255
12 min AMRAP
15 x Deadlift 155lbs
15 x Deficit pushups (hands on 25lb plates)
15 x Box jumps 24" box

Tips for recovery -
With 108 days of squats along with other workouts I have learned the benefit of recovery methods.

Each day I do myofascial release, mobility, and even some yoga.  Even with all of this I occasionally suffer from DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness)

I recently found an article on tips to help reduce or prevent DOMS.

Nine Amazing Ways To Reduce Post-Workout Muscle Soreness

#1: Take Caffeine to Reduce DOMS
I drink at least 1 large coffee per day

#2: Use BCAAs To Reduce DOMS
After hard workouts (like today) I will have a post workout drink that contains easy to absorb BCAA (essentials parts of protein to rebuild muscle)

#9: Use Tart Cherry & Blueberry Juice
I wrote a while ago about the benefits of blueberries, they contain natural anti-inflammatory properties and can help flush the waste from your muscles 

So why does any of this matter about brain health.

Exercise has been proven many times over to improve brain function and help prevent or postpone the onset of brain illnesses.  If you are able to reduce how sore you are, you can maintain your workout program.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Day 107

Less than 9 days, Santa's getting ready
News about MS -
A recent study has linked increases in outdoor temperature and increases in symptoms in those that live with MS.

Heat has long been linked to worsening symptoms in those that suffer from inflammatory diseases, however a link has yet to be determined.

I have seen this first hand with my mom.  After she was in NY for my wedding 2 years ago, she suffered a very severe flair.  This has not happened since she returned to Ireland where the temperatures are much more mild.

For more information on this study please read -

Today's workout
Front squat - 210 x 1

Tabata Row
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Squat
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Pull-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Push-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Sit-up
The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals.

Thank you for taking the time to stop by this page

If you like this or any other posts please share with your friends and family.

If you would like to help start a center for care and research please donate here -

Any amount helps, Thank you

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Day 104, 105 and 106

I really want this on a shirt

"In terms of a cure, or even a treatment that can modify the disease, we are empty-handed,"
This was a direct quote from the director of the World Health Organization about Alzhiemer's and Dementia while speaking at the G8 summit earlier this month. -

These are not new illnesses however, we as a global society are so far behind the disease in terms of how to combat it.  And for the director of the WHO to say something like this, it does not lend itself to much hope for generations to come.

We need to start making investments in treating the brain, Projected Alzheimer's cases alone are expected to triple by 2050.  This alone would cripple state and national health budgets.

Past few days of workouts -
Friday - Squat 210 x 1
2min AMRAP
2x Pull-Ups
4x Push-Ups
6x V-Ups
-Rest 1 min-
 4min AMRAP
4x Pull-Ups
6x Deficit Push-Ups
8x Tuck-Ups
-Rest 1 min-
6min AMRAP
6x Pull-Ups
10x Burpees
12x Sit-ups

Saturday - Front squat 210 x 1
Partner Conditioning WOD
20min AMRAP
100x Box Over Lunges (24″/20″)
100x Push Presses (65/45)
100x Mountain Climbers (Double Count)
100x Front Squats (65/45)
As Partner 1 is conducting Reps, Partner 2 is Rowing

Sunday - Front squat 210 x 1

Thank you for taking the time to stop by this page

Ifyou like this or anyt other posts please share with your friends and family.

If you would like to help start a center for care and research please donate here -

Any amount helps, Thank you

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Day 103

Over head squat the Christmas tree, why not?
NOTE: The tree does not weight 210lbs and did not count for that days squat
Today - 210 x 1
Handstand pushups

A study from Cardiff has found that exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle (low body weight, eat well, drink in moderation, and don't smoke) led to a 60% decline in dementia and cognitive decline rates, with exercise named as the strongest mitigating factor.

The study followed more than 2000 men for 35 years, the unfortunate findings were from a recent survey that found less than 1% of the population surveyed lived a healthy lifestyle, and 5% do not meet any of the 5 criteria.

The full story can be read here -

With the holiday season upon us, and "new years resolutions" coming up, why not start now, and just make 1 healthy change in your life.  Soon it will become a permanent habit and you can make 1 more.  This may lead to greater overall results opposed to simply saying "this is the year I get in shape", or "this is the year I stop smoking"

Thank you for visiting my page, if you like what you have read, or you want to help, please share with your friends and family, If you would like to help start a center for care and research please donate here - Any amount helps

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Day 102 - over 2000 pages views

Not a pretty face

Thank you everyone who has been reading my page, we have reached over 2000 views today.

Today - Squat 210 x 1, some handstands and mobility/recovery

A few weeks ago I wrote about my dads speech, I try to call him often just to, at the very least tell him I love him, he is no longer able to even say hello when I call.  I honestly wish there was more I can do, or could have done.

Heres a recipe to try during holiday gettogethers - a health nutella from


1 cup raw hazelnuts
4 oz very dark chocolate
2 Tablespoons raw honey
1 cup coconut milk, canned and full fat
dash of sea salt


  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Spread the hazelnuts on a baking sheet and toast for 15 minutes.
  • In a double boiler, gently melt the chocolate and raw honey over low heat. Remove from heat.
  • Place all of the ingredients in a food processor. Blend until smooth.
  • Chill in the fridge for an hour before serving.

Server with apple slices

If you like this post or any of the others, please share my page, and please help me raise funds towards my goal of a center for care and research of patients with brain illnesses.  Even a $1 helps

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Day 101

Sometimes I play around after I squat
Todays workout

Squat - 4x3 - last 3 sets @ same weight 225/250/250/250
Kettlebell swings
Hang cleans

During the past 3 months I have had to take better care of my joints and muscles, this often meant doing extra mobility and recover work.

I have had a problem with my hips, mostly due to sitting at a desk all day.  A good way to combat this is a with a banded hip stretch.

Stand facing a pole tie a band around the pole, step through the band and place it around the upper part of your thigh, step back to put tension on the band, place the banded leg to the ground and press your hip towards the floor, hold for at least 2 minutes

Please share my page, and please help me raise funds towards my goal of a center for care and research of patients with brain illnesses.  Even a $1 helps

Monday, December 9, 2013

100 Days in

I have just passed 100 days into this challenge, my body is feeling good.  My goal is still far away.  Everyday more people are being given the news that they have a brain illness that, not only is there no cure for, but compared to many other illnesses, very little is truly known about how or where to treat their illness.

More research, information, and resources are needed to unravel the questions that lie within the brain, and these questions need some answers sooner rather than later, a recent study predicts that 135 million people will suffer from dementia by the year 2050.  While it seems like that may be a distant future, I have grown and lost the majority of my hair in less time than the 37 years until that projection.

Please help me spread awareness and help me start a center that I hope will one day solve some of the questions about the brain illnesses that steal our loved ones away far too soon.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Day 76 - 83

Several weeks ago, I went to have dinner with my dad, and my aunt and uncle in the city.  I had wrote previously that I was unsure how much longer he would be able to communicate verbally.  I now know, he speech is, for the most part, garbles.  This was expected and still hard to see, but what was far worse was having him be unable to eat with out choking.  Many times during dinner he would put food into his mouth, only to start to choke and cough uncontrollably.  I had to cut his food into very small pieces, a moment I had never imagined.

As hard as it is to see my father like this, I am very thankful I am able to see him, because there will be a day when that will not be possible.

I never planned on this blog to get philosophical or to try and tell people what they should or should not do.  But if there is a member of your family that is not well, or even that you have not seen for a long time, you should try to make time to see them and at the very least hash out any differences or issues face to face, because you do not know when that person will not longer be around and you will have lost the opportunity to resolve issues or at least say good bye.

In happier news. my mom is visiting from Ireland through Thanksgiving, she appears in good health, and it is just nice to see her again.

For most of November I have been doing squat holds, the reason for this is, I feel there is less stress put on my back stopping at the bottom than there is rebounding out of the bottom.

I also was able to get my first muscle up this week, after 2 years of trying, one of the great coaches at Crossfit Revenge was able to show me what I was doing wrong and quickly show me how to correct it.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 60 - 75 I'm Back

For a number of reasons, none of them really any good I have not posted in a while. (Shame on me)

But have still been squatting, and reading about the illnesses that not only impact my parents but a growing number of people through out the country and world.

Something I recently read struck a nerve and is one of the reasons I am doing this -

Alzheimer’s research receives $450 million annually, compared to $3 billion for HIV/AIDS, $4 billion for heart disease and $6 billion for cancer

Please note I am not understating the awfulness of those other diseases, but with 36 million sufferers worldwide (and growing) there needs to be more research and funding into treatments and potential solutions to this and other brain illnesses.

For the full article this came from please click here -

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Day 55-59 - Max Effort #2 and a visit with dad

I went to visit my dad on Saturday, I met him in the city at the movie theater, we saw the remake of Carrie.  It was better than I thought it was going to be.  The day took a scary turn when we left, we started walking towards the pizza place he wanted to eat at (on 1st Ave), he turned around and walked toward 1st St only looking at the numbers on the street sign.

It was a horrifying thought to think that he may go for a walk, get turned around or mistake Streets for Avenues and wonder to a place he is unfamiliar with.  His speech is getting progressively worse so if that happened he would likely not be able to call with his location, nor would he be able to get in a taxi and give directions.  I left the city that night with a sick feeling that still has not completely left.

Work outs
Friday just a squat - 210 x 1
Saturday -Team work out with Kate
Run 200 m
5 x 15m burpee broad jumps
5 x 15m bear crawl
Run 400 m
7 x 15m burpee broad jumps
7 x 15m bear crawl
Run 800 m
9 x 15m burpee broad jumps
9 x 15m bear crawl
Then Max effort attempt #2 - I added 2 reps from last month
Sunday a painful sore squat 210 x 1
Monday Squat 225 x 1
Tabata style deck of cards work - 59 rounds of 20 second of work 7 seconds rest
Hearts - lunges over box
Diamonds - burpees
Clubs - Wall ball
Spades - sand bag thrusters
Joker - 100 m sandbag run
Then squat 210 x 1

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Day 53 - 54

Some fact and fiction about increasing your risk for Alzheimer's

FACT - There is a link between gum health and developing Alzheimer's.

On the surface of bacteria often related with gum disease (P. gingivalis) is lipopolysaccharides.  These have been found in the brain of deceased Alzhiemer's, are not not found on the brain's of those without Alzheimer's.
The theory behind linking gum disease with Alzheimer’s is that the presence of gum bacteria lipopolysaccharides in the brain may cause inflammation. This in turn could trigger a biological cascade that may be linked to the brain changes associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

FICTION - FLU shots increase your risk for Alzheimer's

The truth is that several studies show that the flu shot and other vaccines reduce your risk of Alzheimer's.

Another tasty, healthy recipe -

Its finally getting cooler out, and feeling like fall.  The cooler weather usually means more comfort food.  This does not mean you need to eat things that are not good for your health. It also does not mean you need to spend long amounts of time in the kitchen.

Crockpot pulled pork
What you need
~4lbs pork roast
Dry rub of choice (if its paleo, even better)
2 Yellow onions, sliced
Optional - BBQ sauce (if its paleo, even better)

What to do
Rub the entire roast with the dry rub
Place a layer of onions in the bottom of the crockpot
Place roast on top
Add rest of onions
Add BBQ sauce if you are using it

Cooking time
High 5-6 hours then Low for another 3-4
Low about 10-12 hours

The pork is done when it falls apart and shreds with a fork.

Serve over sweet potatoes

Wednesday - just squat - 210 x 1
Thursday -
Row 250m
15x Pike Pushups off of a box
15x Burpees
Row 250m
12x Pike Pushups off of a box
12x Burpees
Row 250m
9x Pike Pushups off of a box
9x Burpees
Row 250m
6x Pike Pushups off of a box
6x Burpees
Row 250m
3x Pike Pushups off of a box
3x Burpees


Squat 210 x 1

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day 52

Just a squat this morning

I heard about a shirt making shirts and donating proceeds to MS research.

I know there are a lot of companies that do this but these seem pretty nice.

They are the silluette of one of the fifty states and they say home in the middle.

Kind of sappy I know but some people have strong connections to their home state.

Any way check it out of you want.

Here's a pic of the two biggest loves of my life.  Kate and Orla

Monday, October 21, 2013

Day 51

I called my dad yesterday to try and arrange a time when I could go into the city to spend some time with him, I was able to schedule the time, however even over the course of a few days, his speech is getting far worse.  I can honestly say that when I thought about what my relationship would be like with my dad when I was in my 30s, this was not even a slight consideration.  

I am fortunate that both of my parents are still alive for me to tell them what they mean to me.  I just wish they both could say it back.

While these illnesses are typically "slow" in their progression, you never know when someone you love can be taken from your life in one or many ways.  Don't wait for something to happen, tell them as often as you can.

Today's workout
5 rounds
500m row
20 v-ups
20 kettlebell swings

Squat 210x1

Days 49 - 50 - BARBELL FOR BOOBS

30 Clean and Jerks in 4:03
Saturday was Barbell for Boobs, Crossfit Revenge ran a great event with heats going every 15 minutes.  The coaches and other members created an awesome atmosphere.  I know many people set new records on the workout, and even some that surprised themselves by completing more reps in a row than they thought possible.

Thank you to my friends and family that donated.  With their help I have raised enough to provide 1 mammogram to someone that needs it.

After my heat I cheered on my wife who was doing the event for the first time, and who completed 30 reps with 55 lbs in 3:34 (yes I am aware she beat me by half a minute) and I am very proud of her.

I went over to the warm up area to squat


On Sunday I went in and set a new best for a squat hold

225x1 with 5 second hold at the bottom.

Thank you to all the member of Revenge that were there supporting and taking part.

9 am heat

Friday, October 18, 2013

Day 48 - Its FRIDAY

No picture of me today, I think there are only so many ways I can get a picture of me in a squat.  Instead I saw the above picture and its a similar thought I have on the days when I am tired or sore or the weight just feels really heavy.  I think about why I started this, I think about my mother and father, who due to their illness are unable to squat or lift heavy things, or at times even move through their day with ease.  I get my self to a squat rack for them and the countless other people whom are living with these diseases.

I also wanted to share a story that did not get a lot of publicity, but one that should have. On Monday morning Maickel Melamed finished the Chicago Marathon. OK great you say, why is that news?  Because for over 38 years Melamed has lived with Muscular Dystrophy   When he was born, doctors gave him less that a week to live (for those keeping score, he has proved them wrong over 2000 times)

When interviewed, he said "Because I can do it! That's the point. If you can do something, you discover you can do it, and then you have to do it,"

In all honesty I would rather here these stories on the radio and tv each day, instead of what stupid thing some over paid athlete or pop star did.

Todays Workout - 
1000m run
50 situps
50 pushups
50 ring rows
50 mountain climbers
1000m row

Squat 210x1

Remember, Barbell for Boobs is this tomorrow.
You can donate here -

But if you donate to the foundation of a center for brain illness research between now and Saturday morning. I will match it and donate to barbell for boobs.  You can donate here.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Day 47

On the way down with 225lbs
225 lbs x 1

Recently my brother in law sent me an article from the Harvard Medical School. They have researchers that have found a protein, produced during muscular exertion, that encourages nerve generation in areas of the brain that help learning and memory.

Its a short read, but shows how important being active is to not just remaining physically healthy, but also to mental health.

Remember, Barbell for Boobs is this Saturday.
You can donate here -

But if you donate to the foundation of a center for brain illness research between now and Saturday morning. I will match it and donate to barbell for boobs.  You can donate here.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Day 46

A few weeks ago thousands og scientists met in Denmark to share ideas about MS. Here is the opening paragraph of a summary from the MS Connection
Why did 8,000 MS scientists and physicians travel thousands of miles and devote a week outside of their labs and offices to attend the 2013 ECTRIMS meeting that just took place in Copenhagen?  The bottom line is that connecting with other scientists to share ideas, communicate new findings and even learn what’s not working is the lifeblood of science and it’s what stimulates faster progress. Meetings like this are vital to spurring new approaches and uncovering promising leads – more about that later.
What I hope to accomplish is a venue where this kind of collaboration and progress is constantly happening, not just once a year.
Today I went back to my friend Matt's garage gym for a quick work up to 225x1.
Remember for every dollar donated to making a center where doctors and researchers can work and collaborate a reality, I will match and donate towards Mamograms in Action's event Barbell for Boobs
My fundraising page is
Orla showing that she can lift things up and put them down

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Day 42-45

First I would like to take some time to recognize October as breast cancer awareness month.   So this week instead of raising money for a brain illness research center.  I along with other members at crossfit revenge are taking part in Barbell for Boobs.

This Saturday we will do a workout called Grace, 30 clean and jerks wiyh 135lbs as fast as possible.

Please visit my fund raising page and give any amount.

If you also feel like donating towards starting a center for brain illness research and care, I will match any dollar amount donated to my go fund me page from now until the event this Saturday. and donate it to mammograms in action.

Lets all raise money for one or both good causes.

Day 42
210 x 1
Day 43
210 x 1
Day 44
210 x 1
Day 45
210 x 1

Friday, October 11, 2013

Days 36-41 - Constantly Varied, Not so much

On monday I did a workout of squat snatches and burpee box jumps (check around 3:00 of  to see what fun they are) 

After I got home my calves and shins decided to cramp and send shooting pain through my leg for the rest of the day and night.

Combined with the general soreness, beat up feeling I took it as a good week to take time off from Crossfit. 

For the past week I have been heading into the gym, doing mobility and squatting.
Tuesday and Wednesday 210 x 1 

Thursday I decided to play around a little and tried box squatting for the first time.

In a box squat you place a box, bench, low chair, under you that is low enough to break parallel, you sit back on to the box, pause stand up, because all of the potential energy is removed by stopping on the box standing back up is much harder. 

 The result is I now know I can stand up from a seated position with my body weight on my back

Thursday and Friday 210x1 box squat 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Days 33-35

I found a recent article from ECTRIMS (The European Center for Treatment and Research in MS).

Several researchers are looking at risk factors and triggers of MS.  Two major discussions, smoking, and vitamin D deficiency.

In a study by Dr. A.K. Hedström and team from Stockholm, Sweden, they confirmed that cigarette smoking increased the risk for developing MS at any age, and climbed with the amount smoked. They also found that quitting smoking completely flattened out that risk back to normal within a decade. 

The same team reported that smoking could increase a person’s risk of developing the kind of antibodies in their blood – called neutralizing antibodies – that can block the ability of interferon beta to reduce MS disease activity. All good reasons to quit.  

Research is increasingly pointing to a reduced level of vitamin D in the blood as a risk factor for developing MS, and studies are underway to determine if vitamin D levels influence MS disease activity.

Discussions are underway about clinical trials to determine if Vitamin D can delay the development of MS, and currently the MS Society is supporting a trail to see whether Vitamin D can reduce MS activity in people that are already diagnosed.

Days 33 and 34 210 x 1

Day 25 - Team workout
3 person team, 20 mins 
200 m run
bench press @ 115lbs
box jumps

One person runs, one benches the other does box jumps, when the runner returns the team rotates, the score is the number of box jumps.

Kate, Gerald, and I did 303 box jumps

Squat 210 x 1  

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Day 32

New personal best for squats and for a workout

3 reps at 255lbs the most I've done at that weight

And I took 20 seconds off my time for a workout called Fran
Pull ups

Outside of the gym

I just read a blog post from the MS Society about the effects of MS on the patients children

A study was done and some common findings were

Children can experience stress caused by worrying about the health of the parent with MS and what disease progression may mean for the family.

It can be time-consuming to help parents with household chores, as well as the parent’s own daily activities in some circumstances. One 12-year-old girl who was surveyed said that she felt chronically exhausted, since she did the majority of the cleaning, shopping, cooking, babysitting and helping siblings with homework.

If parents need help with their own personal hygiene, it can be an additional physical and psychological burden on children. In one extreme example, a14-year-old boy reported that he was extremely uncomfortable having to help his mother in the shower.

The child’s social life may be impacted negatively if they are apprehensive about bringing friends home, due to his or her parent’s disability


I guess I am lucky. My mom , met a wonderful irishmen, Jim, whom she married and they have a house in the middle of Ireland caring for one another.  So the stress of caring for her is less of a concern for me, I was also older when she was diagnosed so I dont have any apprehension about bringing people to see her or her to see anyone.  If shes offensive, its not the MS. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Day 31

Short post tonight

First, the recipe from last night came from a sute with a bunch of great options. Paleo pot

Today's wod
10 min as many rounds as possible
6 squat cleans 115lbs
12 hand release push ups
24 double unders
3 rounds plus 16

Squat 210 x 1

Monday, September 30, 2013

Day 30 - 1 month in 11 more to go

Its Monday, I'm 30 days in and it was a conditioning wod and a squat 210x1 

As promised another great healthy recipe foumd amd cooked by Kate

Paleo hungrymam casserole (bacon, turkey, and sweet potatoes)

What you need:

2 pounds of lean ground beef (other ground animals will work too)
1/2 pound of bacon
8 eggs
3 large sweet potatoes (get 4 just in case)
1 large white onion
1 large red onion
Spices: Cayenne, paprika, garlic, black pepper, oregano
1 large deep rimmed skillet or pan
Coconut Oil to grease your slow cooker
Food Prep:

Peel your sweet potatoes and microwave them for 2-3 minutes to soften them slightly
Slice your sweet potatoes into 1/8″ slices, or thin like in the picture
Dice your bacon finely and brown it in a pan into crisp pieces
Remove your bacon from the pan and set it aside for later
Dice your onions into large chunks and add to your pan along with your ground beef. Make sure you use a deep skillet or pan big enough to brown 2 pounds of beef and 2 onions.
Season your beef as you wish. I used a generous amount of cayenne, paprika, black pepper, garlic powder, and oregano.
Make sure your beef is fully browned and onions are translucent.
Beat your 8 eggs in a bowl, blender, or food processor. I use my trusty magic bullet. Add some cayenne and paprika to your egg mixture if you wish.


Grease your slow cooker with some coconut oil.
Line the bottom of your slow cooker with slices of sweet potato. Just enough so that you cover the bottom.
Spoon in a layer of your seasoned beef onto the sweet potatoes.
Sprinkle some of your crisped bacon pieces on top of the beef.
The goal here is to keep layering evenly until you use up your supplies. If you end up with some extra sweet potatoes, I’m sure you can think of a few ways to eat them later.
Once you have finished layering, pour your egg mixture over the top. Trust me on this. The eggs will fall into place and make the magic happen.
Cook on low for 6 hours.
Allow pot to cool. If your ceramic crock is removable, throw it in the fridge overnight. This will allow the dish to congeal and set.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Day 28 and 29

Day 28. The last Saturday of the month. Max effort day.

Ok I know I have not posted a lot lately. But I have been squatting.  I will have more in the next few days including some recipes.

Yesterday was the last Saturday of the month, so it was time to see how many times I could squat 210lbs without put the weight down.

I went into the box at 8am amd did the class workout along with Kate

We did a 22 min conditioning WOD of

Run 400m

50 Thrusters (45/35)

40 Push ups

30 Hollow Rocks

20 Kettlbell SDHP

30 Hollow Rocks

40 Push ups

50 Thrusters

Run 400m

After catching my breath I racked the bar and got warmed up.  I loaded 210lbs and with the support of the coaches, the other members in the box and Kate I squatted my body weight 11 times. 

That's way more than the 6 times I thought I would get.  It also sets the bar very high for the rest of the year. 

Today, day 29 my legs are killing me, but I went in this morning and did some squat holds

210x1 with 5 count hold at the bottom

Day 25, 26, and 27

Day 25 front squat pr 225 x 2

Day 26 - 210 x 1

Day 27 - 210 x 1

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Day 24

Jerry's attempt at a photo bomb
Below is a list of inflammatory foods/ingredients that you should try to reduce in your diet.

Looking at a lot of these, I can think back and see a majority of them in my dad's diet, was it the cause, maybe, but there is no sure way to say yes or no.  Would he have developed it later in life if he reduced some of his intake of these, again, no way to say for sure. 

What can be said with some certainty is, if you know these may cause you harm, its makes more sense to limit your intake, then to say it will not make a difference

Today's WOD
15min AMRAP
50x Double Unders
25x Situps
15x Medball Clean Wall balls

4 Rounds + 16 double unders

Squat 210 x 1

1. Sugars

Refined SugarPro-inflammatory Agent: Excessive sugar intake causes tooth decay and has been linked to increased risks of obesity, inflammation and chronic diseases such as metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. Recently, it has also finally been proven that sugar, as well as dairy, are the causes of acne.
Find them in: Sugar-sweetened beverages like soft drinks, fruit drinks and punches are some of the major sources of dietary sugars that many have overlooked. Do you know that drinking a can of Coke is as good as sucking ten sugar cubes? Other obvious sugar-loaded foods to avoid or at least limit include pastries, desserts, candies and snacks. And when you are looking out for sugar in the ingredients list, note that sugar has many names: corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, golden syrup, maltose, sorghum syrup and sucrose are some of the creative names used.
Inflammation-dousing Substitute: Got a sweet tooth? Opt for natural sweeteners like stevia, honey, or blackstrap molasses to flavor beverages and foods modestly. Natural sugars found in fresh or dried fruits and fruit preserves with no added sugar are also great choices. Not only do they give you the sweetness you crave, fruits also supply you with vitamins, antioxidants and fibers that you won’t find in sugary foods and drinks. Dates, figs, persimmons, kiwis, tangerines and various types of berries are some of the natural healthy snacks you can sink your teeth into.

2. Common Cooking Oils

Common Cooking OilsPro-inflammatory Agent: Common vegetable cooking oils used in many homes and restaurants have very high omega-6 fatty acids and dismally low omega-3 fats. A diet consisting of a highly imbalanced omega-6 to omega-3 ratio promotes inflammation and breeds inflammatory diseases like heart disease and cancer.
Find them in: Polyunsaturated vegetable oils such as grape seed, cottonseed, safflower, corn and sunflower oils. These industrial vegetable oils are also commonly used to prepare most processed foods and takeaways.
Inflammation-dousing Substitute: Replace your omega-6-saturated cooking oils with macadamia oil, extra virgin olive oil, or other edible oils with a more balanced omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids ratio. Macadamia oil, for instance, has an almost one-to-one ratio of omega-6:3 fats, and it is also rich in oleic acid, a heart-healthy, monounsaturated fatty acid.

3. Trans Fats

Trans FatsPro-inflammatory Agent: Trans fatty acids are notorious for their double whammy effect: they increase the levels of ‘bad’ cholesterol, while lowering levels of the ‘good’ cholesterol. But that is not all they can do. They have also been found to promote inflammation, obesity and resistance to insulin, laying the ground for degenerative illnesses to take place.
Find them in: Deep fried foods, fast foods, commercially baked goods and those prepared with partially hydrogenated oil, margarine and/or vegetable shortening. Note that items that list 0g trans fats on the label may still contain some amount of these toxic fats. This is because in the US, the government allows items containing less than 0.5g of trans fats to be declared as trans-fat free. Commercially prepared peanut butter is one good example. Your best bet is to read the ingredients list and make sure partially hydrogenated oil or vegetable shortening is not used.
Inflammation-dousing Substitute: Look for alternative products that contain no trans fats, and that do not have partially hydrogenated oil or vegetable shortening in the ingredients list. When in doubt, assume that all commercially prepared foods contain trans fats unless stated otherwise.

4. Dairy Products

Dairy ProductsPro-inflammatory Agent: As much as 60% of the world’s population cannot digest milk. In fact, researchers think that being able to digest milk beyond infancy is abnormal, rather than the other way round. Milk is also a common allergen that can trigger inflammatory responses, such as stomach distress, constipation, diarrhea, skin rashes, acne, hives and breathing difficulties in susceptible people.
Find them in: Milk and dairy products are as pervasive as foods containing partially hydrogenated oil or omega-3-deficient vegetable oil. Apart from obvious milk products like butter and cheese, foods with hidden dairy content include breads, cookies, crackers, cakes, cream sauces and boxed cereals. Scanning the ingredients list is still the safest way to suss out milk.
Inflammation-dousing Substitute: Kefir and unsweetened yogurt are acceptable in moderation for those who are not allergic to milk. They are easier on the stomach as the lactose and proteins in the milk have been broken down by beneficial bacteria and/or yeasts.

5. Feedlot-Raised Meat

Feedlot-Raised MeatPro-inflammatory Agent: Commercially produced meats are feed with grains like soy beans and corn, a diet that is high in inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids but low in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats. Due to the small and tight living environment, these animals also gain excess fat and end up with high saturated fats. Worse, to make them grow faster and prevent them from getting sick, they are also injected with hormones and fed with antibiotics. The result is one piece of meat which you and I shouldn’t be eating.
Find them in: Unless otherwise stated, most, if not all, beef, pork and poultry you can find in the supermarkets and restaurants come from feedlot farms.
Inflammation-dousing Substitute: Organic, free-range animals that are fed a natural diet such as grasses instead of grains and hormones contain more omega-3 fats. Having more room to roam freely, they are also leaner and contain less saturated fats.
6. Red Meat & Processed Meat

Red Meat and Processed MeatPro-inflammatory Agent: Researchers at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine found that red meat contains a molecule that humans don’t naturally produce called Neu5Gc. After ingesting this compound, the body develops anti-Neu5Gc antibodies – an immune response that may trigger chronic inflammatory response. Low-grade, simmering inflammation that won’t go away has been linked to cancer and heart disease.
The link between processed meat consumption and cancer is even stronger. In the 2007 report by the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research, processed meat has been stated as a convincing cause of cancers of the colon and rectum, and possibly of the esophagus and lungs too. Processed meat includes animal products that have been smoked, cured, salted or chemically preserved.
Find them in: Common red meats are beef, lamb and pork, while processed meats include ham, sausage and salami.
Inflammation-dousing Substitute: You don’t need to avoid red meat totally, though the same thing cannot be said for processed meat. No amount of processed meat is safe. Replace the bulk of your red meat with organic vegetables, poultry and fish, and relegate red meat to a weekly treat. When you do eat red meat, remember to choose lean cuts and preferably, that of grass-fed animals. To reduce the formation of heat-generated food contaminants, it is also advisable not to overcook your meat and use moist heat cooking like stewing and boiling more often than high-temperature dry heat methods such as grilling and frying.

7. Alcohol

AlcoholPro-inflammatory Agent: Regular high consumption of alcohol has been known to cause irritation and inflammation of the esophagus, larynx (voice box) and liver. Over time, the chronic inflammation promotes tumor growth and gives rise to cancer at the sites of repeated irritation.
Find them in: Beers, ciders, liquors, liqueurs, and wines.
Inflammation-dousing Substitute: A refreshing and thirst-quenching glass of pure, filtered water, anyone? :) How about a cup of anti-aging and anti-inflammatory jasmine green tea? If you find the idea of swapping ethanol for water or tea implausible, at least limit your consumption to no more than one drink a day.

8. Refined Grains

Refined GrainsPro-inflammatory Agent: A lot of the grains we eat nowadays are refined. They are devoid of fiber and vitamin B compared to unpolished and unrefined grains that still have the bran, germ and the aleurone layer intact. This makes refined grains as good as refined sugars, which are practically empty calories. And like refined sugars, refined grains have a higher glycemic index than unprocessed grains and when they are consistently consumed, can hasten the onset of degenerative diseases like cancer, coronary disease and diabetes.
Find them in: Products made from refined grains are almost everywhere. The common ones are: white rice, white flour, white bread, noodles, pasta, biscuits and pastries. To make things worse, many products with refined grains undergo further processing to enhance their taste and look, and are often loaded with excess sugar, salt, artificial flavors and/or partially hydrogenated oil in the process. A prime example is boxed cereals which contain substantial amounts of added sugar and flavorings.
Inflammation-dousing Substitute: Go for minimally processed grains if you are not gluten intolerant or allergic to grains. If you are an avid bread or pastry maker, invest in a grain mill to produce your own flour. It will be much fresher than the stale grain found in stores. When buying cereals or other products made from grains, don’t take the words on the packaging for granted. Just because the box says whole grains, it does not mean the grains inside are 100% intact. The problem is due to a lack of an internationally accepted definition for the word ‘whole grain’. When in doubt, if it does not look close to its natural state, don’t buy it.

9. Artificial Food Additives

Artificial Food AdditivesPro-inflammatory Agent: Some artificial food additives like aspartame and monosodium glutamate (MSG) reportedly trigger inflammatory responses, especially in people who are already suffering from inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.
Find them in: Only packaged foods contain artificial food additives. If you need to buy them, read the labels carefully and weigh your risks. If you order Chinese takeaways, make sure you have the option to ask for no MSG. Otherwise, look elsewhere.