Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Day 108

New back squat world record - 1,047lbs
Today's workout
Back squat 5x3 185/225/250/250/255
12 min AMRAP
15 x Deadlift 155lbs
15 x Deficit pushups (hands on 25lb plates)
15 x Box jumps 24" box

Tips for recovery -
With 108 days of squats along with other workouts I have learned the benefit of recovery methods.

Each day I do myofascial release, mobility, and even some yoga.  Even with all of this I occasionally suffer from DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness)

I recently found an article on tips to help reduce or prevent DOMS.

Nine Amazing Ways To Reduce Post-Workout Muscle Soreness

#1: Take Caffeine to Reduce DOMS
I drink at least 1 large coffee per day

#2: Use BCAAs To Reduce DOMS
After hard workouts (like today) I will have a post workout drink that contains easy to absorb BCAA (essentials parts of protein to rebuild muscle)

#9: Use Tart Cherry & Blueberry Juice
I wrote a while ago about the benefits of blueberries, they contain natural anti-inflammatory properties and can help flush the waste from your muscles 

So why does any of this matter about brain health.

Exercise has been proven many times over to improve brain function and help prevent or postpone the onset of brain illnesses.  If you are able to reduce how sore you are, you can maintain your workout program.

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