Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Day 109

Its been a long week so far
G8 leaders pledge to beat Alzhiemer's by 2025 -

"Much of the current research is focused on the idea that early intervention is likely to be a key to success, since once dementia has developed enough to show serious symptoms, it may be too late for medicines to work."

Above is a direct quote from the Reuter's article.  The article talks mostly about drug treatments for the disease.  It also mentions that the company that is successful in developing the first successful drug to treat alzhiemer's would receive a "prize" in the form of billions of dollars in sales.

My concern with this approach to curing the disease is that we are distracting from the cause.  It is widely agreed that a healthy life style prolongs or can even prevent the onset of Alzheimer's.  Yet many people are still told to eat inflammatory foods, or to avoid activities that can make them healthier in the long term.

I fully respect and appreciate companies that develop and sell the drugs that cure awful disease, I just wish that would take a portion of the funds they use for either development or marketing of these drugs and help educate people how to live healthier lives.

Today's workout - "1 hour of awful"

Ukrainian Police Bleep test - score of 14.4 (I have no idea what that means but I ran back and forth a lot)

"Death by burpee"
1 burpee the first minute, 2 the 2nd, 3 the 3rd, etc until you cannot complete the burpees in that given minute.

Front squat - 210 x 1

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