Sunday, December 22, 2013

Day 111, 112 and 113

As we get ready for 2013 to come to and end and 2014, I would like to give a few tips to make the new year a healthier year.

Drink more water.  We all should drink half our body weight in ounces of water each day (for a 200lb person that is 100 oz. a day).  Carry and fill a water bottle with you, this will make drinking this much easier.

Drinking water will also help make you feel fuller, longer.  This can help reduce cravings and snacking on something you would otherwise not eat.

If you are a regular soda or other sweetened drink, drinker, try to slowly remove 1 drink a day to try and reduce how much you have each day.  Soda and other sweetened drinks (sugar or artificially sweetened) cause rapid spikes in blood sugar and the body reacts with insulin, repeated consumption can lead to insulin resistance, diabetes and obesity.  Recently there have been studies that sweetened drinks can also lead to an increased risk and brain disease.

Workouts -

Friday -
Row 250 meters
7X Kettllebell Clean & Press Right Arm
7x Kettllebell Clean & Press Left Arm
7x Ring Rows

Front squat - 210 x 1

Saturday -
20min AMRAP
5x Chest to bar Pull-ups
10x Wallballs 20lbs
15x Kettlebell swings 70lbs

Box squat - 210 x 1


Box Squat - 210 x 1
Hand Stands

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