Sunday, December 29, 2013

Day 118, 119, and 120

Concussions may be a risk factor for Alzheimer's -

A Mayo Clinic Study found that people that suffered brain injuries with loss of memory or consciousness may be five times more likely to develop Alzheimer's

The researchers in the study state that while not all head trama will lead to Alzheimer's and state that more research is needed.  Also it is best for anyone concerned to limit the risk factors they do have control of - high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol, by eating a healthy diet and by exercising your mind and body.

Moral of the story - protect what you can with a good diet and exercise.

Workouts -

A quick side note, I have been doing crossfit for just over 2 years, in those 2 years I have gone through several workouts that have been grueling, hard workouts that thought about quitting, or hoping for a time cap. Most of the time I finish, recover and hope I never have to see the workout again, other times the workout beats the hell out of me to the point where others around me are concerned for my health (glassy blood shot eyes, pale face, lying in a pool of sweat unable to pull myself off the floor for several minutes after the workout is over.

Saturday was one of those workouts, after nearly 40 minutes of moving, I finished the workout, and had my wife Kate legitimately concerned I was going to passout.  Instead of passing out, I decided to get up and try the month 4 max effort squat.  I was so exhausted I could only complete half the reps from last month before my chest and legs burned to the point of stopping.

Friday -
Pike Push-Ups
Row (Calories)
Hand Release Push-Ups

Squat 210 x 1

Saturday - the soul, lung, leg crushing workout
2 rounds for time of:

Row 1000 meters
30x Pull-ups
30x Front Squats 95
30x Toes to Bar
30x Power Cleans 95

Max effort squats - 210 x only 8 reps

Sunday -
Squat 210 x 1

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