Monday, December 23, 2013

Day 114

Bodyweight Box squats

Some news regarding Alzheimer's -
Columbia University recently release the results of a study that may show where the disease starts, this may allow earlier diagnoses and treatment.  The study shows not only where the disease starts, but that the changes are observable using fMRI scans.

An article on the study can be read -

Today's tip for a healthier new year - Move

More often than not, many of us live a sedentary life style.  We just do not move as much as people who live decades ago.  More jobs are desk jobs, we commute longer distances, and we spend more spare time not moving.

All of this has lead to slower metabolisms, increase in body weight and body fat, as well as increase in illnesses.

Statisitics show that today there are more than 3 times the number of people that are considered obese, than there was in the 1950s

We can all combat this by being more active.  Being active does not require a gym membership, or personal training, Adding activity can be as simple as walking more.

If you have regular meetings at work, try to make them walking meetings.  Does your family have a dog, make it a family walk every night.  If you add just a few short walks each day, you can notice a difference in as little as 2 weeks.

Today's workout - 

Squat - 245 x 5 (a new 5 rep best)

Row 1000m
50x Bird dogs
50x Situps

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