Thursday, December 26, 2013

Day 117

I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas Day, and got what they wanted.  A special thank you to the service men and women of our armed forces, and also the caregivers that take care of those with illnesses and require care.

Today's tip for a better new year - Eat real food

Diets fails because they say you can or cannot eat certain things or in certain quantities.

Proper nutrition will ultimately lead to good health, and should reduce inflamation

Proper nutrition is getting the energy and nutrients your body needs by consuming  the correct amount of calories from the correct sources.

The correct sources come from food that is grown and has very little done to it before it gets to your plate, the more processing that happens to food the less the benefits to your health.

A good guide that is rather easy to follow is, do 90% or more of your food shopping around the perimeter of the supermarket, this typically is where the fresh meat, produce and dairy is kept.  If you get the majority of your food from these areas your meals will consist of more of the food you need and less of the food you do not.

Todays work -
Box squat - 210 x 1

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