Get to know about me and this blog

Hi, thanks for visiting my page, my name is Joe.  I live Wantagh, NY, I have a wonderful wife Kate, a great yellow lab named Orla, and I have what most would consider a normal job in IT.

2 years ago I found Crossfit, and along with it, not just a great competitive environment and way to get in shape, but a community of truly supportive people that treat you like family. 

I currently train at Crossfit Revenge, and when I asked the coaches what they not only thought it was a great idea, but offered their support.

Over the course of the next year, I will share the work I do in the gym, my progress on the end of month challenges.  But I will also use this page to share my feelings about how my parents are doing and give you information of each of these illnesses and updates on research and treatments.

Again, thanks for visiting this page, wish me luck and please come back often to see how I am doing.


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