Friday, October 18, 2013

Day 48 - Its FRIDAY

No picture of me today, I think there are only so many ways I can get a picture of me in a squat.  Instead I saw the above picture and its a similar thought I have on the days when I am tired or sore or the weight just feels really heavy.  I think about why I started this, I think about my mother and father, who due to their illness are unable to squat or lift heavy things, or at times even move through their day with ease.  I get my self to a squat rack for them and the countless other people whom are living with these diseases.

I also wanted to share a story that did not get a lot of publicity, but one that should have. On Monday morning Maickel Melamed finished the Chicago Marathon. OK great you say, why is that news?  Because for over 38 years Melamed has lived with Muscular Dystrophy   When he was born, doctors gave him less that a week to live (for those keeping score, he has proved them wrong over 2000 times)

When interviewed, he said "Because I can do it! That's the point. If you can do something, you discover you can do it, and then you have to do it,"

In all honesty I would rather here these stories on the radio and tv each day, instead of what stupid thing some over paid athlete or pop star did.

Todays Workout - 
1000m run
50 situps
50 pushups
50 ring rows
50 mountain climbers
1000m row

Squat 210x1

Remember, Barbell for Boobs is this tomorrow.
You can donate here -

But if you donate to the foundation of a center for brain illness research between now and Saturday morning. I will match it and donate to barbell for boobs.  You can donate here.

1 comment:

    This is what MS does, not to everyone but a good portion of MS sufferers end up like this or worse.
    Keep squatting Joe, and know that you are helping.
