Sunday, September 29, 2013

Day 28 and 29

Day 28. The last Saturday of the month. Max effort day.

Ok I know I have not posted a lot lately. But I have been squatting.  I will have more in the next few days including some recipes.

Yesterday was the last Saturday of the month, so it was time to see how many times I could squat 210lbs without put the weight down.

I went into the box at 8am amd did the class workout along with Kate

We did a 22 min conditioning WOD of

Run 400m

50 Thrusters (45/35)

40 Push ups

30 Hollow Rocks

20 Kettlbell SDHP

30 Hollow Rocks

40 Push ups

50 Thrusters

Run 400m

After catching my breath I racked the bar and got warmed up.  I loaded 210lbs and with the support of the coaches, the other members in the box and Kate I squatted my body weight 11 times. 

That's way more than the 6 times I thought I would get.  It also sets the bar very high for the rest of the year. 

Today, day 29 my legs are killing me, but I went in this morning and did some squat holds

210x1 with 5 count hold at the bottom

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