Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Days 10 and 11

Today is September 11th, 12 years ago our nation experienced a great tragedy.  However we also witnessed acts of great heroism.  On this day, we should all try to remember not the awful events of that day, but the great men and women that put their own safety aside to help others.

Remember all the members of the FDNY, NYPD, MTAPD,and EMS that served that day, the passengers of United Airlines flight 93, and all of the others who helped that day.

Also remember all of the people who in the days after, offered food, shelter, and care to those who needed it.

Often in Crossfit, there are workouts in honor of a fallen member of the military, fire or police departments.  These work outs are aptly named Hero WODs, they are often harder and longer than other workouts, and carry a special meaning for some.

Today at Crossfit Revenge, we honored the life and passing of a members father.

Peter James Ganci, Jr. (October 27, 1946 – September 11, 2001) was a career firefighter in the New York City Fire Department. At the time of the September 11th terrorist attacks he held the rank of Chief of Department, the highest ranking uniformed fire officer in the department. Ganci was appointed to replace his boss Donald Burns as Chief of Operations, in January 1997. He was appointed to the rank of Chief of Department in an acting capacity in March 1998 and assumed the office upon his formal appointment in October 1999.
He was among the 343 New York City firefighters and paramedics who were killed in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. He perished in the collapse of the North Tower of the World Trade Center.
Prior to joining the Fire Department, Ganci served in the 82nd Airborne division in the War in Vietnam. In the Fire Department, he started in Engine Company 92 in the Bronx and then transferred to Ladder Company 111. He continued to work his way up the ladder over 31 years, before becoming the 28th Chief of Department.



Run 1 Mile

100x Pullups

Run 1 Mile

100x Kettle bell Swings 53#

Time: 38:05

Squat - 210 x 1

Yesterday - Sorry I missed the post.  I felt awful, looking back it was due to not drinking nearly enough water on Monday.

Conditioning Workout
Run 800m
30x Squat Cleans (95/65)
30x Burpees

I only finished 2 rounds before the end of class

Squat - 210 x 1 - This felt very heavy, not on my legs, but across my shoulders.

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