Sunday, September 15, 2013

Day 14 and 15 - CMC

Yesterday, along with over 80 other members of Crossfit Revenge, I went to volunteer at the Civilian Military Combine at Aviator Sports complex in Brooklyn.

The event was great.  We got to judge some great athletes and a lot of great people who came out and pushed themselves as hard as they possibly could.

I also got to see friends and coaches that I haven't seen for a while. 

The event itself was amazing to work. It was run so well and they took great care of the volunteers. 

Here's a summary of the great day. 
6am we meet at Crossfit Revenge
-I was able to get warmed up and squat 210x1 with the support of all the other members
7am we arrived at the event and got set up under a tent that would be our camp for the day. 
Around 8am Custom-fit meals arrived and provided amazing sweet potato muffins (sweet potatoes, sausage, peppers and onions) and some fresh fruit
830am we went over the movement standards
9am -12pm we judged group after group of competitors, I'm not sure about all the other judges but every person I judged was nice, happy an gave it their all. No one argued or questioned if I told them a rep didn't count  they corrected what was wrong and moved ahead and they all said thank you on their way towards the obsticle course. 
Also during this time I got to judge one of my first Crossfit coaches, Daniel Tyminski. While other competitors may have stopped for a breath between movements he just kept moving and after 7 minutes, completed over 180 repetitions. 
12pm we got a break for lunch while the team from Crossfit Dynamix (5th place @ the Crossfit games) did the "pit" workout but with heavier weights. Not only did they put up amazing scores they donated $1 for each rep completed, a donation matched by 3 other groups in attendance. And in total they raised over $10000. 
1230-3pm we judged the final heats
300-4An added benefit from volunteering was that at the end of the day we got to do the race, starting with the event we spent all day judging 
7 minutes asany reps as possible
7 burpee box jumps
7 kettle bell swings 
7 push press @ 75lbs
After the 7 minutes we took on the 4.5 mile course that had about 30 military style obstacles
I don't know my exact time but it was about 45 minutes

After the race we got to hang around before heading home. 

I'm not sure if it was the course or just the long day, I got home around 6pm. But shortly after dinner and a shower I was passed out on the couch and then in bed by 10

Today - I woke up at 830 (I'm guessing that was about 12 hours of sleep)

I went to the 1030am class and was not feeling very explosive so I decided to try squatting with a 3 second pause at the bottom. 

On day 1 I did this with 185lbs and it was tough to stand up with. 

Today I was able to hold 210lbs at the bottom of the squat and stand up with no problem.  I guess that 2 weeks of squatting have made me stronger

Sorry for the long, late and double post. 

I should be back to normal tomorrow. 

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