Friday, September 6, 2013

Day 6 - A tasty anti-inflamatory snack

I wish mine looked this well presented

I didn't really have plans to talk about anti-inflammation again today, but when looking for a mid-morning snack to take to work (yes I eat 5-6 times a day) I found blueberries, bananas in the kitchen, added some cinnamon and local natural honey and made a great tasty snack, that also was filled with anti inflammatory foods.  My wife Kate had found this recipe several months ago and we have it from time to time.

It also helps that this snack is very simple to prepare, take berries, and sliced banana, add to bowel or cup, sprinkle cinnamon and a small amount of honey on top, eat or pack for later, it took me less than a minute to prepare.

Why am I so concerned about inflammation?  Besides trying to prevent/prolong the onset of any brain illness, I am squatting 210lbs everyday on top of working out 5 days a week, keeping inflammation out of my joints is a must for me to complete this challenge.

I came across an interesting article from  It goes into the topic of video games being used to rejuvenate aging brains, this is becoming a popular subject and there are many games that are supposed to improve brain health.  Heres the link Videogame May Help Rejuvenate Elderly Brains

I have added some links to other blogs I visit often to the right.  Take a look, both the MS and Alz blogs have some good information from both the patients side as well as caregivers.

Today's workout - 23 minutes of fun

Conditioning WOD:
5min AMRAP
400m Row
40x Side Step Lunges
1 min Max Effort Burpees
5min AMRAP
300m Row
30x Side Step Lunges
1 min Max Effort Burpees
5min AMRAP
200m Row
20x Side Step Lunges
1 min Max Effort Burpees
5min AMRAP
100m Row
10x Side Step Lunges

After that many lunges, I didnt need much of a squat warm up so I quickly got up to and squatted 210lbs

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