Thursday, September 19, 2013

Day 19

So when I started this blog I told myself I would be honest at all times. That I would write how I felt, and share what was happening with my parents. 

I spoke with my dad tonight, and over the phone his speech has declined substantially. His ability to have a back and forth conversation has also noticeably declined. Yes this is part of his illness, yes I knew it would happen eventually however, I am caught off guard by how much the illness appears to progress each time we talk.

Also, I must make a confession, my dad is living in New York City, I live out on Long Island,  I do not see my dad as often as I should, I also need to make more of an effort to speak with him, although it is hard for me to hear him speak as it is a stark reminder of the reality of his illness. 

Sorry, no funny pictures, no yummy recipes, not even any hopeful news from the research world today.  It was a Thursday so I went in this morning only to squat, 210 x 1 with 3 count hold (thanks coach Jordan for taking the picture above today)

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