Monday, September 2, 2013

Day 2

First day squatting after another workout, while it was hard it was not as awful as I thought.

Today's workout of the day

Conditioning WOD:

In teams of 4 complete the following

800m Med Ball run

800x Lateral Jumps

600m Med Ball Run

600x Situps

400m Med Ball Run

400x Air Squats

200m Med Ball Run

200x Burpees

*Only 2 teammates may work at once

** Only 2 Medballs have to be carried amongst all 4 teammates during the run.

With teammates Nick, Adam, and Chris all reps were done evenly (200 lat. jumps, 150 situps, 100 air squats, and 50 burpees) and we finished in 39:17

After catching my breath I racked the bar and worked up to 1 rep of 210#

A friend from Islip crossfit ( that shares a lot of great information on how the food we eat impacts our overall health, posted a comment yesterday, one that should be shared and is easy to follow. 

A tablespoon of coconut oil a day can help protect against Alzheimer's, studies have found monounsaturated fatty acids in coconut oil are protective to the brain.

She also shared a link to the New England Journal of Medicine

Glucose Levels and Risk of Dementia -


Our results suggest that higher glucose levels may be a risk factor for dementia, even among persons without diabetes. (Funded by the National Institutes of Health.) 

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