Monday, September 16, 2013

Day 16 - today was a good day

Keeping a positive mind set helps maintain a healthy, resilient brain.

Days like today make it easy to stay positive, but it's important to try and think of any day as a good day, try and pick a few highlights of each day and think by it was a good day.  Did you wake up well rested?  Was the weather really nice? Good day at work? Good workout? Did you come home to family or pets that put a smile on your face?  Any of those could make a day a good day. 

For me, today had many of those. Starting in the gym this morning I set a new personal best on my front squat, I was able to squat 210lbs x 3, this was a 15lb increase since the last time I tried.

I also started a new job and had a good start, spending most of my day meeting the people that will be my clients.

I them came home to my adorable yellow lab who is always excited to see me and can put a smile on my face even after a bad day. 

Today's workout

Strength WOD:

Front Squat

3x3x3x3x3 - got up to 210 x 3 a 15lb PR


Conditioning WOD:


For Time:

Row 1000m

50x Thrusters

30x Pullups


Why did you have a good day?

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